Charity Number: 1197493

Educating children about healthy relationships

Community Commissioner Charlotte writes:

I joined the Poverty Truth Commission (PTC) quite late due to my work shifts clashing with our meetings. If Sarah (PTC Community Engagement Coordinator) hadn’t persisted, I probably wouldn’t have been a part of this wonderful movement, so thank you Sarah! I feel that the PTC has been a very supportive and comforting group to be in, where there is genuine support and empathy. I also feel this from every Civic Commissioner that I have met.

I am in the Domestic Abuse (DA) working group and we are looking at how schools educate children around healthy relationships.

Domestic Abuse is bigger than poverty and that’s what I feel we should explain. Being poor is not an EXCUSE to be abusive. But we are made to feel like it comes with the label. Abusive behaviour from men is instilled from a very young age, if there is no positive male influence. My abuser abused every female in his life. He had a lack of attention from both parents and no confidence or self-worth.

Domestic Abuse covers all class and religions and education is a MUST! Everyone should be taught about it. Wisdom is power.

I feel that it is important to be educating children from as young as 9 to 11 around this. Educating young people around this is important. We need to educate children to counterbalance and be able to challenge the abusive relationships and toxic culture they see on social media. We need to teach them as part of the curriculum ‘how not to live’ and how not to behave.

Sometimes it can be a bit emotionally draining but I feel that now we have clear objectives for a positive future. I am honoured to be part of a group that is trying to make Domestic Abuse a thing of the past. As I have decades of living with Domestic Abuse, I can already see a huge improvement. I am hoping that the Government and the powers that be listen to the people who are living with this.



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